Monday, January 2, 2012

A Cinder-ella Story


A Cinder-ella Story

It is only fitting that this success story is posted today as it is a special day for me , exactly one year ago yesterday marked a very special and exciting moment in my life, a dog that I had been fostering for many months under her own steam off leash approached another person! Why my excitement? Why is this a big deal?

Well some background, Cinders came to us from a hoarding situation, she with others were brought into rescue and although each dog had its challenges and it’s difficulties to overcome Cinders was a dog that just could not trust people. She quickly loved her foster Mom’s but even when they would meet again she had a hard time engaging them unless she was left alone with them.  She would bark at anyone new in her space or hide from them. We all did what we could; we loved her as she wanted to be loved. We had to accept that she was a dog that needed time to adjust to everything, potty training, eating alone, taking food from hands. She went to all kinds of events and training classes to help with socialization, she was walked in public places and training in home. Through the efforts of many amazing volunteers she was worked with either through their help in fostering or socialization and training.

So when Cinders decided at an Aussie event that she would go up to someone that although she had met many times before had never been able to overcome her fear and sit next to her there were cheers for joy and promises of Champagne! As a rescuer this really was one of most momentous events, one that brought tears of joy to my eyes. This little animal that once feared humans with good reason has decided that she truly could overcome her fear of the unknown. Although this was one small step, one that followed many small steps before this will be a moment in time I will always remember.

The Happily ever After?

Shortly after this day a wonderful adopting family decided that they wanted to take this lovely little girl into their home, issues and all. I could not have hand selected a better home for Cinders. Here with their permission here is their most recent update and picture;

Just thought we'd send along some Xmas wishes to you and yours from Cinders. She is doing really well! She is up to 38lbs. and is very trustworthy in the house, no accidents since about early May. We don't crate her for work but we leave her in our bedroom (she loves the bed!) with the door closed (the room is dog-proofed) and she is excellent!

For short durations, she has the run of the house and generally greets us at the door with excited squirms and wiggles--no jumping! It's hard to believe that it has been almost 1 yr. since we started the process.

We have absolutely no regrets! She is a perfect little lady, with some social issues (still very timid but......not terrified as before, and still requires coaxing but...she'll stay in the room now with company and doesn't get too excited if someone approaches, she just lays there calmly although a little uncomfortably but much much better). Christine says she's (Cinders) a bit of a diva (actually she says "sex pot") and she sure is beautiful.

Thanks again and have a Happy New Year as well
Dan & Christine & Cinders (of course)

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