We are a foster family for ARPH, and have seen a number of dogs come and
go. However, in October of 2009, we had a real little cutie come our
way, and we could not stand to see him go.
A lovely young lady, who had herself already adopted a dog through us,
came across an add announcing that there was a dog an owner wanted to
get rid of. Something about the add made her a little uneasy, so, even
though she was not looking to adopt another dog, she decided to go see
for herself. There she found sweet little Gibson, crammed into a cat
crate that wasn't even big enough for him to stand up in, muzzled
tightly and the crate had been left in a dark room with a blanket on it
- probably to muffle out his cries. His left eye was completely
bloodshot - which my vet said was due to someone repeatedly banging him
on the head - and he was starving. We brought him in my home, and
watched as he furiously ate his dinner - earning him the nickname
"Gobbling Gibson." Luckily, we saved him on time. Gibson was still very
loving and trusting of people and had a naturally gentle disposition.
Due to malnutrition, he had close to 0% bone density, so we put him on a
high calcium diet with raw dog food to give him the extra nutrition he
so desperately needed. Now it is 6 months later, and he has grown to be
such a loyal dog, following me every where I go. He loves going out for
walks and socializing with everyone at the dog parks.