Thursday, July 14, 2011



The attached picture is of Foster (formerly known as Chad) whom we adopted in May 2009. At that time, he was living in foster care with Ginette in Ottawa. He's a real great dog, full of beans, and curious about everything he sees, the world is truly his oyster. He plays really well with his older (but smaller) sister, Bindi, who is a Mini Aussie.

All in all, Foster has been a wonderful addition to our family. Feel free to share his story on your Website!

Best Regards,

Tim Phelan& Karen Taylor

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


We are a foster family for ARPH, and have seen a number of dogs come and 
go. However, in October of 2009, we had a real little cutie come our 
way, and we could not stand to see him go.
A lovely young lady, who had herself already adopted a dog through us, 
came across an add announcing that there was a dog an owner wanted to 
get rid of. Something about the add made her a little uneasy, so, even 
though she was not looking to adopt another dog, she decided to go see 
for herself. There she found sweet little Gibson, crammed into a cat 
crate that wasn't even big enough for him to stand up in, muzzled 
tightly and the crate had been left in a dark room with a blanket on it 
- probably to muffle out his cries. His left eye was completely 
bloodshot - which my vet said was due to someone repeatedly banging him 
on the head - and he was starving. We brought him in my home, and 
watched as he furiously ate his dinner - earning him the nickname 
"Gobbling Gibson." Luckily, we saved him on time. Gibson was still very 
loving and trusting of people and had a naturally gentle disposition. 
Due to malnutrition, he had close to 0% bone density, so we put him on a 
high calcium diet with raw dog food to give him the extra nutrition he 
so desperately needed. Now it is 6 months later, and he has grown to be 
such a loyal dog, following me every where I go. He loves going out for 
walks and socializing with everyone at the dog parks.



It's hard to believe that Clooney has only been with us one week. He has adjusted so nicely has already made our family so happy. He is sweet and affectionate, well-mannered, and handsome too! He gets compliments on his behavior and good looks from everyone who meets him.

We all have our routines with him and he seems to be happy and "at home". He is a great companion to me around the house and I so enjoy our daily long walks through the woods. The girls love playing with him and we laugh our heads off at his entertaining ways. He is very smart and picks things up so quickly, be it training or  game playing. Dave is a frisbee player and came in the house yesterday all excited:"He caught his first frisbee!!". It was like your child rode their first bicycle; so cute.

I get great pleasure at seeing my family so happy and he is a most welcome addition to our family. We will always be grateful to you at ARPH for bringing us all together.

Carolyn Kilgus and family


As promised, here is the picture of our wonder dog Tess. If you wish, you can use the following text for the Aussie Rescue site.
Our adoption of Gossip, now known as Tess has been pure joy right from the very start. She slept through the 6 hour journey from Ottawa to St. Catharines and has ajusted very quickly to her new home. She is best friends to her older brother Gabe (our pound puppy) and the two cats, Swizzle and Smudge. Recently, she was the star of obedience level one, even making us look good. The plan for summer is to begin Agility which should keep her entertained and out of trouble.
Tess is a sweet girl, as smart as they come and shows the best Aussie bum wiggle upon any return home. She has been a loving additon to our family and we look forward to many years of that special Aussie charm. Our sincere appreciation to all those who took part in helping us find our special girl.
David and Karen.